Feynman Technique : In-Depth Understanding of a Concept or Topic for JEE/ NEET

By | Last updated on June 28th, 2023

Feynman technique for JEE NEET

Understanding concepts is one of the key requirements to clear exams like JEE and NEET with good marks. To learn concepts well, along with the theory you also need to practice a lot of problems.

How to Develop an In-Depth Understanding of a Concept or Topic for JEE/ NEET?

To learn and understand any concept or topic in JEE/NEET preparation.

  1. Identify the concept.
  2. Explain in plain simple language.
  3. Review the Gap.
  4. Re-organize and Summarize.

This is called Feynman Technique, coined after the name of Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winning physicist. The Feynman Technique helps you learn anything faster by honestly identifying gaps in your understanding of any concept.

Feynman Technique for JEE and NEET

After following the below four steps of Feynman Technique, you will be able to understand concepts or topics more deeply and better retain the information for tests and JEE/ NEET exam.

Step 1: Identify the concept

The first step is to choose the concept you want to understand. Take a sheet of paper and write the name of the concept, which you want to learn, at the top of that page.

Step 2: Explain in plain simple language

Now, start explaining the concept in your own words as if you were teaching it to someone else, your friend or other student. Don’t use the complicated words or terms that you have read in your books or study material. You have to explain the concept in plain simple language.

Don’t limit your explanation to a simple definition or a broad overview, give examples to ensure you can put the concept into action.

Step 3: Review the Gap

In this step, you need to review your explanation honestly. Here you will identify the areas where you didn’t know something completely or where you feel your explanation was wavering or not clear. Here, you have to stop, and go back to the book or study material, or notes prepared for learning the concept, to re-read and re-learn it.

Step 4: Re-organize and Summarize

Once you have clearly understood the missing concepts, then you need to again explain those concepts in as plain language as you can. If there are still any areas in your explanation where you’ve still used complex language, challenge yourself to rewrite these sections in simpler terms.

Isn’t the Feynman Technique the same as making notes for JEE/NEET?

Taking notes is a proof of reading, like class notes, for example. When you make notes in simple language, with examples and diagrams, which comes out from your own understanding of concepts, then it’s more like the Feynman technique.

The Feynman technique is useful for learning a new concept (no matter how difficult or complicated), understanding an existing concept better, studying more effectively, or preparing yourself for discussions on any topic in the JEE/NEET syllabus.

Understand all the topics and concepts in-depth by learning from the top faculty and experts in JEE/ NEET Online Courses.

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Feynman Technique : In-Depth Understanding of a Concept or Topic for JEE/ NEET was last modified: June 28th, 2023 by Rajesh Saharan

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