How to Get a Good Rank in NEET Exam in Remaining Months?

By | Last updated on July 18th, 2022

Good rank in NEET.

Is it possible to get a good rank in NEET in remaining months? The answer is Yes. You can get a good rank in NEET, provided you work hard and stay dedicated to your studies.

How to Get a Good Rank in NEET in Remaining Months?

Study tips to get a good rank in NEET in the remaining time.

  • Work on your concepts so that you will be able to solve every type of question in the exam. Study NCERT biology completely (2-3 times), it contains the major portion of NEET question paper.
  • Study examples carefully. They help you to relate concepts to real world things. You can understand theory better with the help of examples.
  • It is important that your basics of almost all the topics are clear and that you can tackle easy or moderate level problems in those topics, because sometimes easier questions may come from the topics which you didn’t prepare that well.
  • If you have doubts pending in some key topics, clear them. It’s not a good practice to ignore any topic just because you think it’s too hard. You should have a general idea about every chapter.
  • Solve NEET past years papers and mock tests. The objective is to have enough practice in solving problems and improving the speed.
  • Analyze your mistakes in NEET mock tests. If you got a question wrong, understand why you got it wrong. Find out what you’re good at and not so good at. Work on your weakness and then attempt problems related to it.
  • On the exam day, pick up the questions based on your strengths. Don’t neglect your strengths as these will be crucial in fetching a good rank in NEET.
  • Time management and the pattern of solving questions is important to clear NEET with a good score. You have to reach the solution in the fastest possible time. Learn to apply tricks in solving problems. This comes with lots of practice.
  • Revise every day. A smart revision technique will save you a lot of time and boost your confidence as well for NEET.
  • During the exam and before that in practice tests also, do not let any question eat up your time. Skip the question as soon as you are nowhere close to the answer. Come back to these questions after you finished the whole paper once.
  • Don’t get nervous. Stay positive always, no matter how difficult situations are. Have confidence and faith in your ability.

Getting a good rank in NEET depends on how smart you prepare for the exam in the remaining months. You have to make (and sincerely follow) a study schedule to complete the NEET syllabus in time.

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How to Get a Good Rank in NEET Exam in Remaining Months? was last modified: July 18th, 2022 by Ritu Grewal

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