Advantages of Conducting JEE Main Twice, How Should JEE Aspirants Prepare?

By | Last updated on August 29th, 2022

JEE Main 2 times in a year.

JEE Main will be conducted 2 times in a year in computer-based mode by the National Testing Agency. Candidates can appear once or twice for JEE Main. If given twice, the best score among the 2 JEE Main sessions will be considered for merit list/ ranking.

Advantages of conducting JEE Main twice in a year :

  • The best thing about conducting JEE Main in multiple sessions is that a student may not lose one year if he/ she is not able to perform well due to any reason because now there will be two chances to perform well in the exam.
  • In the first attempt, the students will get first-hand experience of taking the JEE Main exam and will know their mistakes which they can improve while attempting for the second time.
  • Candidates can choose the ideal time to attempt the exam as per their preparation level.
  • Candidates can appear for JEE Main 2 times to improve their scores.
  • Candidates will have less pressure while giving the exam as they will know it’s not the end and there is one more chance remaining.
  • If anyone missed the examination due to reasons beyond control, then he/she will not have to wait for one full year.

How Should JEE Aspirants Prepare for JEE Main Twice?

JEE aspirants can follow the below strategy for JEE Main twice in a year.

  1. Take the JEE Main first session exam with full preparation, without any pressure. Consider it as a practice test with full preparation.
  2. Continue with your preparation after the first session. If your score is low, then you need to improve, study and practice hard for the next session.

JEE Main Exam in 2 Phases – Students Queries

How many times should I attempt the JEE Main?

It’s best to attempt JEE Main twice to improve your score and to experience the exam pressure we feel while giving the exam. You will feel more relaxed with each JEE Main paper you attempt.

How to manage Board exams with JEE Main 2 sessions?

Board exams can be managed well with JEE Main first and second session. Solve sample papers of your Board to practice the type of questions asked in Board exams.

Will NTA take the average score of 2 attempts of JEE Main for calculating AIR?

NTA will take the best score (not average) among the 2 attempts of JEE Main for calculating AIR.

Can a dropper give the JEE Main twice?

Yes, a dropper student can also take the JEE Main two times, just like the rest of the candidates.

Prepare for JEE Main (both sessions) and improve your score by learning from the best faculty and experts in JEE Online Courses.


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Advantages of Conducting JEE Main Twice, How Should JEE Aspirants Prepare? was last modified: August 29th, 2022 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.