How to Make Revision Notes for IIT JEE? Tips to Make Notes for JEE Mains

By | Last updated on July 26th, 2023

Tips to make revision notes for JEE.

While preparing for JEE, it’s important to keep revising stuff from time to time so that you don’t forget it when you study new chapters. Making notes for JEE helps in better revision. You don’t have to refer to books and coaching modules for revision. In this post, I will share some tips on how to make notes for JEE Mains and Advanced.

This is a guest post by Ashesh Pradhan (IIT-Kharagpur).

How to Make Revision Notes for IIT JEE?

Tips to make revision notes in JEE preparation :

  1. Always make notes in the language you are most comfortable with. I was much more comfortable in [Hindi+English] rather than pure English, so I followed that and it worked.
  2. Never try to copy the exact text from the book. Read and then write them in your own words.
  3. Try using ink of different colours while making notes. You may choose colours accordingly (like Important, Very Important, Usually asked etc.). This would help you in quick revision.
  4. Make your own shortcuts and tricks. Trust me these are helpful during the exam.
  5. Revise your notes every fortnight. In this way you’ll not forget things and you’ll not be in a pressure condition in the last month for revision.
  6. Write your notes on A4 size paper rather than on notebooks. File them together. Whenever you go out (like market, etc.) keep a page in your pocket and do take a glance or two. This habit may seem absurd now but it will help you in the long term.
  7. Include interesting points and examples from the class. Attend lectures with proper attention if you’ve joined a coaching, or even if you attend regular school, because many times teachers say funny examples, quotes or any other uncommon line while teaching a concept (you may include them in your notes). Whenever you recall such lines or examples, the whole picture of that lecture and concept would appear in your mind. You’ll never forget any concept related to that funny or uncommon example. My Chemistry teacher explained orbital overlap using elephants and cats paw!
  8. “Likh ke kato” (cross after writing). This method was taught by my Chemistry teacher. Include misconceptions in your notes and put a BIG cross on it. In this way you’ll actually learn what is correct and what is wrong. This would strengthen your concepts.
  9. Make a notebook containing your mistakes. Whenever you make any mistake in a mock test or forget a concept or formula etc. note it down in this notebook. As time passes you’ll have a collection of mistakes which you aren’t supposed to commit in the JEE exam.
  10. Revise from this copy regularly. This would help you score higher.

Is it necessary to make notes for JEE Mains?

Making notes is very useful in JEE preparation. It’s important to make notes after reading a chapter. You may not realize its importance now but you’ll surely realize it in the last month when you would have a huge JEE syllabus to revise, or whenever you want to revise some forgotten concept and you couldn’t find the right book.

Should I make short notes for JEE?

Yes, short notes allow you to quickly revise key concepts and formulas of a chapter. A complete chapter can be covered in maximum 2-3 pages. During the last days of your JEE preparation, your mind will try to learn every chapter which is not practically possible, the JEE short notes help you to revise each and every chapter efficiently and focusing only on important points.

How to make short notes for JEE Chemistry?

For JEE Chemistry, make short notes of all reactions, compounds, functional groups, examples, tables, graphs, exceptions. Create mnemonics to remember all the important stuff. Make formula charts in Physical Chemistry and revise it from time to time.

Related Post : Best Revision Strategy for JEE

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How to Make Revision Notes for IIT JEE? Tips to Make Notes for JEE Mains was last modified: July 26th, 2023 by Ashesh Pradhan

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