Inspiration for JEE Aspirants : Experiences of Clearing IIT-JEE

By | Last updated on August 16th, 2022

Inspiration for JEE aspirants.

If you are looking for some inspiration in your JEE preparation, think about all the accolades and respect you will get if you clear IIT JEE. Close your eyes for a moment and remember it whenever you feel demotivated in your preparation.

If you badly want something, your aim is clear to achieve it. You’ll have plenty of time later to spend your time enjoying things you miss out during the preparation.

Inspiration for JEE Aspirants

In this post you will see some past JEE aspirants’ experiences of clearing IIT JEE, and the brilliance of IITs in developing the exceptional skills.

Believe in Yourself

Don’t let anyone demoralize you, whether it’s your friends, peers or an unempathetic teacher. If they say you can’t do something, prove them wrong. Work hard.

Confidence is the key to perform well in JEE, but don’t be overconfident. Your focus should remain the same till the end. The JEE exam day pressure is real.

You can clear JEE after taking a drop

What if you miss out on clearing JEE in the first attempt, you can do it after taking a drop. You can secure a good rank in JEE with systematic planning and studies. Joining coaching will help.

The Magic of IIT

The academic excellence

IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) – the name itself is an inspiration. IITs are the cradles of excellence where the future talents of the country are nurtured. IITs are the best colleges in the country. According to Sanmitra Banerjee from IIT-Kharagpur,

“Once you are in an IIT, the pressure dies down, you are liberated and you give it your all to develop your talent, your aspirations and thus start your journey to become an example in your field. You rediscover yourself and find out your hidden talents which have long been concealed under the tremendous pressure of getting into where you are now.”

Learn from the best minds

“In IITs one thing is for sure that you can meet more number of brilliant students than any other institutions in India (well, most of them) and you can learn things from them too. I have learned that being inquisitive and showing huge perseverance in anything can lead you to marvelous results.” – Sunil Kumar (IIT-Guwahati).

Life in IITs

In IITs, there are a lot of opportunities to learn whatever you want (IIT Campus Life). Unlike many other institutes, IITs allow you to take charge and responsibility to build the culture and tradition of a world class institute.

Learning Lessons if Not Able to Clear JEE

It’s the effort and preparation journey that makes you happy and satisfied. Like Ankit Verma, you would be happy in NIT if not able to clear JEE Advanced.

“This journey called IIT JEE preparation isn’t a two year preparation and one day execution thing. It’s more. The life lessons you learn along the way are much more important than the fact whether you make it to IITs or not.” – Kalpit Veerwal (IIT Bombay)

The vital skills you’ll learn from JEE preparation like the value of hard work, perseverance, patience will serve you a lot in your future life. (What JEE teaches you for studies, exams and future success?)

Finally, Nothing feels better than trying your best. Nothing.

Hope this post inspired you in some way.

Related Post : How to stay motivated for IIT JEE?


IIT JEE online coaching


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Inspiration for JEE Aspirants : Experiences of Clearing IIT-JEE was last modified: August 16th, 2022 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.