Strategy for Doing Well in JEE Main Afternoon Shift

By | Last updated on December 4th, 2020

Strategy for JEE Main Afternoon Shift.

The afternoon (second shift) of JEE Main is tricky for many aspirants, especially those who prefer the exam in the morning shift. In the morning you feel fresh but as time moves towards afternoon, you may feel restless. Whenever you wait for anything, the boredom and sleepiness can come.

Strategy for Doing Well in JEE Main Afternoon Shift

Here are the tips for doing well in the JEE Main afternoon shift.

  • Solve JEE Main online mock tests during afternoon (between 2:00 – 6:00 pm). The objective is to practice as much as you can, to feel comfortable giving the exam in the 2nd shift.
  • Join an online test series that allows you to solve mock tests at any time.
  • Ask your teachers to allow practicing JEE Main computer-based tests during the afternoon slot, If you are taking coaching.
  • Eat sufficient breakfast and try to skip lunch. You can take fruits, juice, glucose, if required, but avoid heavy meals during the afternoon.
  • Don’t do anything that can make you sleepy in the afternoon. You can adjust your sleep and wake up timings accordingly. The routine which you follow now will prepare you well for the exam day.

Note : NTA follows the percentile system for JEE Main. So there is no unfair advantage to students who give the exam in the morning shift.

Good luck for the exam.

Related Post : JEE Main Paper Solving Strategy


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Strategy for Doing Well in JEE Main Afternoon Shift was last modified: December 4th, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.