Is Online Coaching Good for IIT JEE/ NEET? Breaking 10 Myths

By | Last updated on July 15th, 2022

Online coaching myths.

In this post we are looking at 10 myths related to online coaching for IIT JEE, NEET and other entrance examinations. In doing that we’ll also see how online coaching, if managed well, can be more effective than physical coaching at times.

Is Online Coaching Good for IIT JEE/ NEET?

Here are some of the common myths related to online coaching.

1) Online coaching is impersonal

Online coaching can be made personal. The teacher can engage in discussions (not limited to subject related stuff) with the students, and they can communicate through video and chat during the class. Teachers and students can introduce themselves in the class and with time they can develop personal bonding like a normal classroom.

2) There is no interaction with the teacher or with other students

With so many education providers selling video lectures in the name of JEE/NEET preparation that some students and parents consider it as online coaching. This is not true.

Online Coaching ≠ Video lectures on YouTube.

It sends a wrong signal that online coaching doesn’t allow two-way interaction between teachers and students. Online coaching allows significant and robust student interaction with the teachers.

3) Students don’t participate. They don’t ask questions or doubts

In reality, there may be more participation in online classes because the fear of speaking in front of other students is removed (it can’t be better than this for introverted students).

The virtual classroom creates a safe environment where social and cultural barriers are diminished and it is easier to share ideas and experiences. Because students lose their inhibitions, they become more freely engaged in online classrooms.

4) Online coaching does not provide learning from peers opportunity

Learning from peers is challenging in online coaching. With students from different parts of the country and abroad also, physical hangouts after the classes may not be available. To make online classrooms more effective, there can be breakout rooms, virtual hangouts and discussion groups after the class where students can interact with each other.

5) The teacher will not be accessible

Teachers can be available for discussions with students, and provide timely feedback on each student’s performance. Students can also contact them using email, messages, video chat, and other methods.

6) Online coaching takes less students time

Generally, online coaching will take as much or maybe more time than traditional classrooms. There is no commuting in online coaching, which saves time. An added benefit is the flexibility of scheduling online classes as per student need in customized courses.

7) Online coaching does not provide evaluation, feedback and analysis

Evaluations can easily be incorporated into online coaching. The usual Level 1 through end-of-course classes can be conducted in a normal way. Level 2 evaluations can use online practice tests, mock tests, and test series.

Based on the metric identified, teachers should be able to analyze the performance. So, if the evaluation plan is designed into the online coaching, much like the face-to-face classroom, online coaching can be evaluated.

8) Online coaching is fundamentally different

Traditional and online coaching have many of the same design elements (objectives, instructional strategies, doubt removals, two way interactions), use presentations, and have a defined meeting place where students engage with the teacher and other students (online or offline classroom).

Online coaching has the same performance expectations and contains the same requirements and assignments as a traditional classroom coaching.

9) All e-learning is the same

The differences between online coaching, webinars, e-learning, recorded lectures, and virtual classrooms speak to the amount of interaction between the teacher and students, and whether the intent is to share knowledge or improve performance.

10) Online coaching is disorganized

Online courses should not be hard to follow. A well-designed online course has:

  • Goals and learning objectives.
  • A course map with easy navigation.
  • Individual modules with distinct requirements and specific instructions, access, or embedded materials.
  • Submission deadlines with easy methods to submit the work.

When designed properly, online courses (coaching) can actually be more organized than some physical coaching classes. There is no getting off point, time-management issues aren’t as common, and difficult students aren’t as disruptive.

Related Post : Integrated Coaching Vs Coaching Institutes Vs Online Coaching


iit jee medical online coaching


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Is Online Coaching Good for IIT JEE/ NEET? Breaking 10 Myths was last modified: July 15th, 2022 by Rajesh Saharan

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Category: Online Coaching

About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.