The Right Way of IIT JEE/ NEET Preparation for Introvert Students

By | Last updated on September 7th, 2020

IIT JEE/ NEET preparation for introvert students.

In my school days, I was a shy student in the class, not that active like others. If the teacher asked a question, even though I knew the answer, I used to remain silent. I was afraid to ask new questions. I was an introvert.

For those who don’t know, an introvert student is someone who is quiet, likes to be alone, and not comfortable working on group assignments and studies. Introverted students are not very responsive in the class, don’t ask questions, and hesitate to give answers.

Preparation for examinations like IIT JEE and NEET requires a lot of hard work, concentration and positive environment. Introvert students need special attention from the teachers and parents in order to prepare well for these types of exams.

What are the options for an introvert student to prepare well for examinations like IIT JEE and NEET?

In a class at school or in a coaching institute, there are some students who don’t interact with teachers. Either they are afraid or may get nervous to ask questions or give answers. But why?

One of the reasons may be, they feel uncomfortable because of other students in the class. “What if my question is completely irrelevant!”, “Will they laugh at me?”, thoughts like these limit their capability to engage in the class, which is not a good learning environment for any student.

There is nothing wrong in these students, it’s their personality. They are introverts and it’s completely fine to be an introvert.

Online coaching is a better option for introverted students where they can attend classes right from their home. They can ask their doubts without any inhibitions of how other students and teachers feel about them. They will be comfortable in their zone and will learn things in the best possible manner.

1 on 1 classes (one teacher – one student) also work well for introverted students. They can ask questions without worrying about what others may think about them, because there will be no other student in the class. A good teacher in 1 on 1 classes gives complete attention to a single student and the student will be happy to learn more effectively.

But what about comparison? How can they assess themselves in comparison to other students?

One of the things that introverted students don’t like is to be compared against others. They learn best when assessed individually. These days we have online test series options, where students can compete with each other without any physical presence at any examination hall. This is an ideal testing scenario for introverted students.

Role of parents

Sometimes parents are not aware of the child’s introvert nature. It’s important to identify and understand the personality of a child and make decisions on the basis of that, rather than going with the trend and flow of joining regular coaching classes.

Role of a teacher

A teacher should handle introvert students separately from the extrovert students. Don’t force them to engage if they don’t want to. Talk to them in private regularly and ask if they have any doubts, because otherwise they don’t tell you about their issues.

The more you know your students outside the class, the more comfortable they will be in the class.

Don’t tell them to become extroverts!

As a parent or a teacher you might have heard of the advice like, “to help a child overcome being an introvert”. You can try to teach them the value of socializing and connecting with the extroverted world, but don’t force them to become an extrovert.

Introversion is not something to overcome. It’s a part of who we are, just like any other quality.

Don’t apply standards in classrooms that are more favorable to extrovert students. Provide alternatives to introvert students to the things that they are not comfortable with.

Give some alone time to introvert students

Introverted students like to be in solitude. Give them time and space. It’s like recharging their batteries.

An ideal classroom for them would be a unique sitting space where they can sit alone for a small period of time, away from any stimulation.

An appeal to all teachers and parents : Read this conversation with Susain Cain on how to teach young introverts, where she is conveying a message that there’s such an enormous need for parents and teachers to better understand how to love and cultivate the introverted kid.

Note: If you are not an introvert student, and have read this post, can you please pass this to someone who may find this useful. Thank you!


iit jee neet online coaching


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The Right Way of IIT JEE/ NEET Preparation for Introvert Students was last modified: September 7th, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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