Life at IIT : My Experience After Getting into IIT – Nikhil Vanjani

By | Last updated on June 10th, 2023

Life at IIT experience.

Is there any difference between what I thought of the IITs and what I found when I got into one? Did I get any cultural shock or surprised after joining IIT?

First of all I should say that IIT is the best thing happened to me and I don’t have any regrets. 🙂

This is a guest post by Nikhil Vanjani (IIT Kanpur).

My Experience After Getting into IIT

Before getting into IIT, I thought that it will be a place of academic excellence. But, after joining IIT, I realised that IIT also teaches us how to live our life.

Life at IIT :

  • There is no bound on how to spend our time. IIT teaches us how to manage our freedom and decide our priorities.
  • There are a lot of opportunities to learn whatever we want.
  • There are many clubs for academics, extra-curricular activities and hobbies and above all, if you think that there must be some club X, then you can start it yourself at IIT Kanpur (my second home).
  • There are both extremes of students from the ones who spend most of their time doing a variety of activities to those who study most of the time.

IIT Life after JEE Preparation

If I have to summarise those two years of IIT JEE preparations and these 4 years of IIT life then, it would be: Those two years of coaching taught me “How to study” and these four years in IIT are teaching me “How to live my life”.

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Life at IIT : My Experience After Getting into IIT – Nikhil Vanjani was last modified: June 10th, 2023 by Nikhil Vanjani

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