How to Attempt JEE Advanced? Strategy to Solve JEE Advanced Paper

By | Last updated on June 1st, 2023

JEE Advanced paper solving strategy.

A student asked me this question – “What is a good strategy for solving the JEE Advanced paper?” In this post, I will share with you my strategy, how I attempted the JEE Advanced exam. By following the below steps, I was able to solve the JEE Advanced paper without much difficulty and achieved AIR 834 Rank in JEE Advanced.

This is a guest post by Harsh Maheshwari (IIT Delhi).

The JEE Advanced examination has two papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2) of three hour duration each. Each question paper will consist of 3 separate sections – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

How to Attempt JEE Advanced Paper?

Best tips and strategy to solve JEE Advanced paper :

  1. Have proper sleep one night before the exam. This is very much important to concentrate properly in all the 6 hours of the JEE Advanced paper.
  2. Do not attempt the paper in 1 round. Solve the paper in 2-3 rounds and mark the questions you left or which need a review in each round. Around 80% of the questions are of easy to moderate level, so it is important to first score in those questions.
  3. Forget that you are attempting the JEE paper. Don’ think of what will be the result.
  4. Attempt that subject first in which you are more confident.
  5. Read the question very very carefully.
  6. Mark the values and important data given in the question while reading it for the first time. It will help while you’ll be solving the question.
  7. Leave the multiple answer correct question for the second round. They are actually 4 questions in 1 question.
  8. Manage your rough work properly. It should not be that you are solving half of the question at some place and the other half at some other place.
  9. Write properly while solving the questions. I am not saying to write very neatly and systematically. But sometimes in a hurry what happens is that 4 become 9 etc. So be careful.

All the best for the exam.

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Is JEE Advanced Paper-2 Easier or Difficult Than Paper-1?


IIT JEE BITSAT Online Coaching


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How to Attempt JEE Advanced? Strategy to Solve JEE Advanced Paper was last modified: June 1st, 2023 by Harsh Maheshwari

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