How Do Toppers Stay Calm During JEE Exam If It’s Lengthy or Unexpectedly Tough?

By | Last updated on June 9th, 2018

stay calm iit jee

All I learned from my JEE preparation and my 1st year at IIT Kharagpur is that stress management and the ability of ‘not to panic’ at critical times are the factors that segregates the best, among the large number of candidates.

JEE is an exam of elimination, it acts as sieve that judge many of the qualities of the appearing candidates. It’s not just the knowledge that helps you to crack JEE, it also requires many other qualities too, like-

  • Time management
  • Stress management
  • Application of concepts
  • Smart approach
  • Not to PANIC ability
  • Ability to cope up with unexpected scenario
  • Active and logical thinking, and many more..

That’s all I wanted to share about what all JEE tries to test. Now, coming back to the question,

How do toppers keep their calm in such unexpected scenarios?

This is all a matter of practice and awareness. They are aware that if they PANIC, they might not perform to the peak of their potential and this might cost them their years of hard work and preparation. They train their mind over the years of JEE preparation to tackle such situations by not losing their calm, and practice this art in the multiple mock tests they appear during this period.

Moreover, the positive attitude and confidence is the key elements that prevents an individual from being panic at critical times. Toppers do posses this positive and never give up attitude along with a decent amount of confidence and faith in themselves.

That’s how, they survive such unexpectedly tough scenarios and keep their calm.

I hope, I was able to explain this psychological stuff in a simple and clear way to understand.

Abhijeet Mahato

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How Do Toppers Stay Calm During JEE Exam If It’s Lengthy or Unexpectedly Tough? was last modified: June 9th, 2018 by Abhijeet Mahato

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