How to Study Smart for NEET Exam? NEET Smart Study Tips

By | Last updated on June 28th, 2023

NEET smart study tips

Scoring good marks in NEET is not just about studying hard but also involves smart study. Smart work for NEET preparation could be identifying your productive study hours, focused learning, asking questions, making mnemonics, short notes and revision stuff.

In this post, Mahima Mehra (MBBS student at LHMC Delhi), one of the NEET toppers, is sharing some smart study tips for NEET aspirants.

How to Study Smart for NEET Exam?

Here are some tips to study smart in NEET preparation.

  1. Don’t bother studying for a specific number of hours each day, instead set a target. I like the concept of weekly targets more than daily targets because it works for me. You have to figure out what works for you.
  2. Decide when to study for NEET. Some people are early birds, others are night owls. What are you? When are you most productive?
  3. Study with complete concentration, whenever you study. Studying seriously for five hours is equivalent to twelve hours of ‘study’ if you’re constantly checking your phone or daydreaming.
  4. Ask yourself questions. Quiz yourself! It would be fun and would let stuff seep deep into your mind.
  5. Try to make mnemonics, code words. Loligo, Octopus, Sepia -LOS – molluscs with no larval stage (loss). If you have to learn many examples, make a sentence or something. One word starting with the initial letter of each example. Find out some cool relations. I bet you’d never forget that fountain pen was invented by Waterman.
  6. Make small notebooks. I would not suggest you make notes of everything you learn because that would not be practical. We are not supposed to copy our textbooks down. However, after a while we all figure out what all we keep forgetting over and over again. Make a small notebook and write those things down. Only those things. Don’t make it bulky. Go through the notebook whenever you have time.
  7. Keep revising what you learn. It takes a long time to learn something for the first time but it doesn’t take much time to revise it every now and then. You don’t want to forget and start from scratch, do you?

Learn NEET smart study tips and tricks from the top faculty and experts in NEET Online Courses.

Mahima Mehra
Lady Hardinge Medical College

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How to Study Smart for NEET Exam? NEET Smart Study Tips was last modified: June 28th, 2023 by Mahima Mehra

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About Mahima Mehra

Mahima is a student of Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. She is a passionate writer and a voracious reader, with some knowledge of Science. She likes to give general study tips and help NEET aspirants with their preparation.