How to Score 150-160+ in Physics NEET? Study Tips, Books

By | Last updated on January 4th, 2024

Tips to Score 150-160+ in Physics NEET.

A question asked by a NEET aspirant – “What is required to score 150 in NEET Physics? How to score 160+ in Physics NEET?”

I scored 165/180 in NEET 2019 Physics. So I guess I’m eligible to write the answer.

This is a guest post from Vibhas K. Gupta (640/720 in NEET UG 2019 with an AIR-1674).

What is Required to Score 150+ in NEET Physics?

It’s the change of mindset which is required to score 150+ in NEET.

  • You are a PCB student, doesn’t mean your Physics is meant to be weak. There will be all sorts of people telling you that because you haven’t taken Math, your Physics will not be strong. I sat with my engineering stream friend and used to discuss Physics questions passionately. This is a myth that Math is needed for a strong Physics.
  • Practice as many questions as you can which involve the concepts of Calculus and other Mathematical tools for enhancing confidence.
  • Never run from the subject. If a tough question is thrown at you, try it as long as you sweat yourself. Don’t feel intimidated in front of toppers and Physics geeks. Who knows, they can be weak in other subjects too!
  • Make the weakest subject the favourite subject. Remember, you run from not what scares you, but from that which can be scared off, if you steel yourself up a bit.
  • Don’t go for Resnick and Halliday or other such authors. You’re not a research scholar, but a medical aspirant.

How to Score 150-160+ in Physics NEET?

Study tips to score 150-160+ in NEET Physics.

  1. Be attentive in class. Solve questions asked in the class with utmost interest. Try developing speed in the class itself.
  2. Do not sidestep derivations. Many questions in the paper wouldn’t be ‘formula based’ and when you’ve actually gone through the derivation before, it would be easy for you to work out such questions, by applying the basic knowledge.
  3. Ask doubts mercilessly. The teacher is an asset for you. Squeeze his knowledge out for you. Let him know, you’re doing everything for the subject. Don’t hesitate in asking questions, even the simplest one if you aren’t sure of the way it’s solved.
  4. Help others in coaching. If a student asks you some doubt. Try solving it for him. That prepares you to build the habit of solving a question when subjected to pressure. Also it gives you good wishes which is always useful.
  5. Devote half of the time of your daily schedule for Physics. It is said that Biology has half weightage in NEET, therefore half of the time you should be reading Biology. I vehemently oppose that notion. Biology is solely a theoretical subject and can be done with just average question practice. But for Physics, you need rigorous efforts and have to solve tons of MCQs. I personally studied Physics half the time daily.
  6. For 160/165+ in NEET Physics your syllabus needs to be 100% complete. Face it. If you attempt all 45 questions and get 3 of them wrong, you’ll end up scoring 165. But for attempting all questions, you need to know everything. Don’t miss any chapters. Semiconductors, Modern Physics and other such chapters too need to be completed.
  7. Separate out your weak chapters and work on them more. Practice mock tests and see where you commit silly mistakes. Try practicing such chapters as much as you can.
  8. Revision is essential. Do not just go on solving chapters after chapters. Revise them too. Try moulding your preparation speed according to a test series syllabus, in that way you’ll have to revise the already taught chapters too. In the last few months before NEET, revise the formulas and useful derivation using NEET formula sheet or revision notes.
  9. Solve ‘marked’ questions (tricky/ tough etc) of the books and mock tests you’ve practiced earlier throughout your preparation year.

Books for Scoring 160+ in NEET Physics

I’ll state the materials which could be solved in stage-like order. The more you solve, the more you’re likely to score high marks in Physics. But mind it, you’ve to study other subjects as well.

Disclaimer- It’s the preference order which suited me.

Ideally you must complete Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4. They would be more than enough.

7 Stages of Solving Physics to Score 160+ in NEET

Stage 1- NEET coaching modules.

Stage 2- Books like H C Verma or D C Pandey or both. The trend is changing every time. You never know when questions of JEE level can pop up in the NEET paper. And when you’re prepared for the worst, the easy is a cakewalk for you. I myself solved full H C Verma and chapters like Mechanics and Electromagnetism from D C Pandey.

Stage 3- Mock tests and their questions. Mark the tough ones/ wrong ones for revising them later on.

Stage 4- Previous Year NEET, AIIMS and JEE questions (10 years minimum) Many a times a couple of questions are directly asked from previous year JEE Main paper. Practice them in the last few months of preparation.

Stage 5- Numerical based and single type correct questions of last 5 years JEE Advanced. (This stage can be skipped though, now since AIIMS-UG has been scrapped.)

Stage 6- NCERT back questions and summary of every subject for theoretical questions.

Stage 7- Exemplar problems of NCERT.

In two years’ timescale I was able to complete Stage 1, 2, 3 ,4 , 5, 6.

Good luck aspirants.

Vibhas K. Gupta
NEET UG 2019 Score – 640/720, AIR-1674

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How to Score 150-160+ in Physics NEET? Study Tips, Books was last modified: January 4th, 2024 by Vibhas K. Gupta

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