Should I Prepare for JEE Mains or Advanced or Both?

By | Last updated on June 11th, 2024

JEE Main or Advanced or Both

Questions asked by students when starting JEE preparation – “Should I prepare for JEE Main or Advanced or both the exams? Should I aim for JEE Mains or Advanced?

This is a guest post by Abhijeet Mahato (IIT-Kharagpur).

Should I Prepare for JEE Mains or Advanced or Both?

Why are you looking at it as two different examinations? Is it because you heard that JEE Main is easy and JEE Advanced is tough. Yes, there is a difference between JEE Main and JEE Advanced difficulty level, but it should not be a factor when you begin your JEE preparation.

Think big. Prepare for both JEE Main and Advanced simultaneously right from the start. Both involve almost the same syllabus and it’s like prelims and finals in the form of JEE Mains and JEE Advanced.

At first you must only focus on improvising your own self, and keep on scaling the level of improvement you have achieved from where you have started till now. Think about going for a particular examination, JEE Main or Advanced, only after filling up the forms and that too completely based on the level of preparation.

Should we prepare for JEE Advanced from the beginning or just after JEE Main?

Do not prepare for a particular exam JEE Advanced or JEE Main from the very initial stage. At the beginning, have the focus and enthusiasm of working well with the JEE concepts and the art of applying them wherever required. This will give a fresh and a very clear grasp about the subjects.

Never ever give up while being at the preparation level. Keep fighting your battle till the very last moment and no matter how bad a practice test goes, keep up the same spirit and believe in yourself that you can do it.

If you couldn’t clear JEE Advanced, then you will never regret the fact you never tried and if you clear it, then I don’t think I have to explain the feeling. You will experience it on your own, because I trust you that you will work hard and crack JEE Main and Advanced both.

I hope you land into one of the IITs and make everyone proud.

Prepare for both JEE Main and Advanced under the guidance of top faculty and experts in Mystudycart JEE Online Courses.


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Should I Prepare for JEE Mains or Advanced or Both? was last modified: June 11th, 2024 by Abhijeet Mahato

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