From an Expert Mindset to a Learner Mindset : 4 Traits of A Modern Teacher

By | Last updated on March 4th, 2020

Modern teachers skills.

Note: This is not a usual post to help in your examinations, tips or advice. It’s about some modern teacher skills that we need in our schools and other institutes for a better learning environment for students.

Teaching is a profession that receives tremendous respect and the teachers who understand their students and adapt with time, they make a big impact to the process of advancement in education, setting benchmark for others.

Here we’ll see the 4 main characteristics of a modern teacher.

1. Move into their students world even if it’s foreign territory

In Abhishek’s school, whenever a teacher is absent, an another teacher (of other grade also) is assigned for the period. The substitute teacher then asks students to sit quietly (heads down) and continue with his/ her own stuff like checking papers, etc.

What a waste of time (45-50 minutes) for students!

Suppose if the teacher, not a subject expert for the period, initiate something and ask students to tell what they are learning so far. The modern teacher may ask the class – Why don’t you teach me something about this subject?

It will do two things –
1) Allows students to revise things by explaining some topics to the teacher.
2) And the teacher would feel happy to learn something new from the students.

It’s okay not to be an expert on a subject to initiate a learning environment.

2. See themselves as co-learners, not teachers

To improve the teaching methods and style, a teacher can take help from students. A modern teacher may ask students to give suggestions to improve himself/ herself.

If a student asks something that is not in books and the teacher is not supposed to teach that thing, the modern teacher can give that question as assignment to students so that both students and teacher can try to learn from it rather than the usual “Not in syllabus” remark.

3. Embrace change

Instead of getting afraid of changes, modern teachers feel excited about the challenges and adventures that technology and innovation brings to education. They are ready to step out of their comfort zone.

Some teachers from the traditional classroom background now teach students in online mode using a computer and internet connection. This is the sign of progress.

4. Allow their students to learn from each other

When I was studying in school, there was nothing like learning from peers. A student who used to answer the teacher’s questions was labeled as intelligent, and who did not know the answers, was considered as dumb. These days, students can learn from each other if the teacher provides them space and environment.

A modern teacher encourages collaborative learning where weak students can learn from intelligent students in a healthy and positive way.

The credit of this post goes to Reid Wilson.

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From an Expert Mindset to a Learner Mindset : 4 Traits of A Modern Teacher was last modified: March 4th, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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About Rajesh Saharan

Rajesh Saharan has been working for more than 10 years in the E-learning industry on various profiles. With an ability to go in-depth into a topic, he likes to help JEE/ NEET aspirants in solving their problems. Rajesh is the lead content writer/ strategist at Mystudycart. You can also connect with him on Quora.