The Exhaustion Problem : One of the Frustrating thing in IIT-JEE/NEET Preparation

By | Last updated on February 13th, 2019

Exhaustion Tired JEE Medical Preparation

I come home from school at 2:10 PM, then head off to a coaching institute at 3:30 PM that ends at 7:00 PM. By the time I reach home, I am already too exhausted to study. What can I do?

A question asked by a student, and the frustrating issue for many JEE and NEET aspirants.

Being exhausted means you are not enjoying your stay in school and in coaching classes. It’s not about tired. Exhaustion is different. It prevents you from moving forward and reaching your goals.

How to Overcome Exhaustion in IIT-JEE/NEET Preparation?

When you’re doing something that’s in conflict with your own best interests, exhaustion can result. Maybe something forced on you. Is it? If not, then don’t worry, there are solutions you can try out to overcome exhaustion in your JEE or NEET preparation.

  1. Try to do some meditation or anything that can relax you. In your case (the question above), the timing for this can be 2:30 PM to 3 or 3:15 PM depending on how far is your coaching from home. Not enough time between school and coaching is one of the main reason many students feel exhausted in their preparations.
  2. Try to join after-evening batches so that you have sufficient time between school and coaching. For instance, the batches in our online courses, mostly run between 8-10 PM IST. The studies in coaching is more intense than school so it’s always best if you are well prepared before each class.
  3. After coaching, when you reach home, take some rest, like an hour nap, especially when you have back to back classes, first in school and then coaching classes.

Are you loving your Subjects?

You have to develop a personal interest in subjects (PCM or PCB). Right from school, to coaching, and when you study at home.

It’s not just a coincidence that when you speak to IIT toppers, many of them say that Maths and Physics were their strong sections. They loved these subjects. They understood concepts well and enjoyed solving problems. And that’s the reason they scored well and achieved top ranks.

Without interest, it’s difficult to understand concepts and to have consistent practice for the examination.

Finally regularly speak with your parents, teachers, seniors (who have gone through the same preparation in the past) about any issues and in order to get some motivation.

All the best for your preparations!

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The Exhaustion Problem : One of the Frustrating thing in IIT-JEE/NEET Preparation was last modified: February 13th, 2019 by Rajesh Saharan

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