Should I take a Partial Drop for JEE? IIT JEE Partial Drop Experience

By | Last updated on February 3rd, 2024

Partial drop for JEE

“Should I take a partial drop for JEE? Is partial drop good for JEE?” This is a question asked by some students when they are planning to take a drop for JEE.

Hi, this is Ankit. Well, I was a JEE partial dropper. Here I am sharing why I took the decision to partially drop a year for JEE, and whether I reached my goal or not.

When I appeared for the first time in JEE Main, my preparation was not good. I just studied for 12th boards at that time the new normalization process was implemented. So my AIR was 59,938 that time and obviously I was not getting any college with my preferred branch.

Why did I take a Partial Drop for JEE?

Everyone related to me believed that I could perform better in JEE. I myself knew that this is not the best I can give. So there were two options in front of me :

  1. Either go with it, not take a drop for JEE and for the rest of my life just regret that I would have been in XYZ NIT/IIT if ____.
  2. Or, I can stop for a moment, take a drop for JEE and try to give my best.

After thinking a lot, I chose the second way. I dropped but it was a partial drop for JEE. I got enrolled in BHU Physics Honours course as my AIR was 57 in its entrance exam. Having attendance of around 85% in BHU, I kept on preparing for JEE as well.

IIT JEE Partial Drop Experience

There were some days when I was just about to give up. I thought it’s impossible to attend 9-5 classes in college and simultaneously prepare for JEE. I agree that some days were very depressing. But one thing I always kept in mind, I will try at least, even if I fail.

Then came November 1, 2014. I appeared for the KVPY SB stream exam with very little hope of even scoring 20% in it. But I tried and after two days when I matched my answers with the official key, woahh! I got a 63.5% score in it (AIR 22). This made me realise that yes I am on the right track. I studied with more enthusiasm now for JEE. I planned my studies now.

Is Partial Drop for JEE worth it?

Finally the D-day came. April 4, 2015. I appeared in JEE Main and even after being stuck in the Physics section for 1.5 hours, I managed to somehow score 210 in it. With that I got AIR 8667 and got my branch: Mechanical (1st choice) in MNNIT Allahabad.

So you see, it (JEE partial drop) was worth it I guess. And the most important thing is that I would no longer have to regret that yes I would have got NIT/IIT if _____.

Yes I didn’t get IIT but I am happy to be an NIT 🙂

So however you feel during the JEE preparation, just believe in yourself. Never fear failure. If you fear failure, you don’t try. The key is to keep trying.

Related Post : Study Plan for JEE Droppers


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Should I take a Partial Drop for JEE? IIT JEE Partial Drop Experience was last modified: February 3rd, 2024 by Ankit Verma

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