How to Make Failures a Happy Experience in IIT JEE Preparation?

By | Last updated on September 8th, 2020

Dealing with JEE failures.

What is Success and Failure?

As per me, success and failure doesn’t exist in this universe. Everything is based on our own perceptions towards life.

We want something and we get it. Success. hurray!!

We want something and don’t get it. Failure. huh..!!

Our own terms define success and failures. But there are times in life we expect everything to be good but nothing turns out the same way as we desire it to be. So okay, let us term it as FAILURE!!

Now, the feeling of failing brings depression, sadness, sorrow, despair, and what not!

We live in the world of expectations and assumptions and contradictions. (With more negations than positive statements!!)

I wonder why are we so obsessed with what we want and not with what we can do? Surely, if we do that, it ends the curiosities to learn, excitements of new experiences in life. The fun ends here.

But life is full of fun, thus full of failures and therefore Failures are good!! (Conditions applied)

Making Failures a Happy Experience During IIT JEE Preparation

In order to make failures a happy experience we need to rationalize thoughts and try to bring them into realities. It’s not easy to get whatever we want in life and thus we need to move towards our dreams with three simple (yet not easy) steps.

  1. Dream it : It provides the driving force.
  2. Believe it : It gives us a reason to move overcoming all the failures.
  3. Do it : The first step of the journey of a thousand miles. 🙂

Life is simple, not easy though. Complications come, not with different thoughts but lack of enthusiasm to act upon all of them.

What Failures Teach us in JEE Preparation?

Failures teach us million things, improves us to every extent, makes us strong. This is what one needs to gain SUCCESS!!

And we should always remember that the downs in a curve are the points of stable equilibrium.. 🙂

failure to success


Thanks for reading!

This is Simranjeet Kaur from IIT Delhi. An IITian because of the second chance. I’ve been writing with an objective to help aspiring students get some motivation to clear JEE.

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How to Make Failures a Happy Experience in IIT JEE Preparation? was last modified: September 8th, 2020 by Simranjeet Kaur

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