How an IIT JEE Aspirant Stay Motivated for JEE Exam?

By | Last updated on September 20th, 2018

iit jee motivation

This was the response from a student after reading this post:

“Shreya, will you be my friend forever to inspire me all through my life? I am so motivated that I am going to study. I shall talk to you at night only when I have completed such and such chapters .”

The ability to qualify any exam starts in the brain.

I am a JEE aspirant. When I feel low at times, my grandfather encourages me by saying “The students who are in IIT are not aliens.”

I believe that they are amongst us who have toiled hard when they were at a stage where you are. It’s your time now to keep working.

For JEE, all you need to do is :

  • Focus.. Focus.. Focus.
  • Never let your studies take a back seat.
  • Try to attain excellence in whatever topic you undertake. Don’t be result oriented.

People who were successful in the past are a great inspiration for us today. Read about them.

Henry Ford said this,

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.

Move ahead, be consistent and believe in yourself. 🙂

If your desire is true and you are ready to put your heart and soul for it, success is all yours.

The fool didn’t know it was impossible, so he did it.

All the best!

Shreya Srivastava
JEE Aspirant

Related Post : How to Stay Motivated and Positive for IIT-JEE?


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How an IIT JEE Aspirant Stay Motivated for JEE Exam? was last modified: September 20th, 2018 by Shreya Srivastava

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