What are the Advantages of Starting Early for IIT JEE?

By | Last updated on July 29th, 2022

Advantages of starting early for IIT JEE.

Is early start necessary for JEE?

It’s not necessary to start early for JEE. However, there are definitely some benefits of starting early preparation for IIT JEE whether it’s time management, building the right habit or strong basics.

There is not much advantage if you are talking specifically about JEE concepts and topics. We were not made to study that because it would have been too much for us at that age, but yeah there are some serious benefits one can have from starting early for IIT JEE.

5 Advantages of Starting Early for IIT JEE

  1. You learn to respect and manage time very early. By the time you start with JEE preparation in class 11 (the final 2 years), you are already in that habit of managing things.
  2. Attending coaching, doing your homework, giving tests, managing school related things, etc. All this becomes a part of your routine.
  3. The best buildings created are those ones who have the strongest foundation because it takes a lot of effort and power to make them fall.
  4. When you start preparing for JEE in class 8, 9 or 10, you are always a few steps ahead of most of your companions. I remember that we were taught a lot about geometry, algebra, vectors, thermodynamics (very basic) during that time and all that helped in some or the other way in the last two years. A lot of complicated things such as Voltage, current rules, Magnetic models, etc were also taught to make the base very clear from that time only.
  5. Realisation : I think this is one of the most important and biggest factors why one should start early for JEE. It’s very important to realise that life is not going to be spoon feeding always. If you really want to make a mark, you need to get out of your comfort zone and act accordingly.

At such a young age, when most don’t even know the full form of IIT (yeah, it’s true), if you are able to make such a decision of preparing for JEE, then go with it.

I guess this should help you out in taking a decision of when to start preparing for IIT JEE.

Get the benefits of starting early for IIT JEE by joining Online Foundation Courses from the comfort of your home.

Rakshit Tiwari
IIT Guwahati


IIT JEE online coaching


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What are the Advantages of Starting Early for IIT JEE? was last modified: July 29th, 2022 by Rakshit Tiwari

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Rakshit Tiwari

Rakshit is a Mathematics and Computing undergraduate student at IIT Guwahati. He qualified JEE Main with a score of 296 and JEE Advanced with an AIR-849. Presently he is guiding his juniors to help them out with problems one face during JEE preparation phase.