How to Prepare Seriously for the IIT JEE Exam?

By | Last updated on December 5th, 2020

Prepare seriously for IIT JEE.

A student preparing for JEE asked this question – “I feel quite depressed as there are many smart people in my batch who have the answer ready before the question. I want some tips for preparing seriously for the IIT JEE exam.”

How to Prepare Seriously for the IIT JEE Exam?

Here are some tips to prepare seriously for the JEE exam.

  • Do not bother about other people for a while. Work on yourself for a short period of time. Develop yourself. Live as if others don’t exist.
  • Stay away from Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and all sorts of distractions.
  • Take a break from the college (PU) or school schedule and strengthen your concepts. Once you strengthen your concepts, you’ll gain confidence. For example, if they’re teaching you the 5th chapter at college (school), and it’s all going above your head. There’s no thumb rule that you have to move along.
  • Flip back to the first chapter. Gain perfection there. Because, in the JEE syllabus, everything is interrelated. Without knowing how to resolve components, you cannot expect yourself to solve a complicated Irodov mechanics problem.
  • Start solving problems. Start with basic problems and then increase your difficulty level.
  • Practice a lot. Never ever look at examples or read them. Practice every time. Though everything appears simple, never let the book solve a question for you. Examples are just for reference.

Once you’re back on track and at a good pace with everyone, here are some subject-wise tips for JEE.

Physics :

1) Before going for the higher level, make sure you’re thorough with your NCERT.
2) HC Verma is God. Concepts are beautifully and very playfully explained in this book.
3) Also follow your college or school material. Solve a lot of problems.
4) Be perfect with the concepts. It is a blunder to be able to solve problems without being clear about concepts. Though it seems okay now, you’ll realize it in the long term.

Chemistry :

1) Again NCERT. This book is often underestimated compared to those big fat books.
But it gives you the best possible clarity.

2) Once you master the NCERT level, there are standard books for reference. Don’t make the blunder of falling for the charm of those books at the start. That might waste your time. Master NCERT. Only then go for the following books.

  • Inorganic Chemistry : OP Tandon.
  • Organic Chemistry : OP Tandon OR Jagadamba Singh
  • Physical Chemistry : OP Tandon.

A very important trick I would suggest for Chemistry,

  • Notes are very very important for chemistry. Especially when it comes to remembering things. Make it a point to note down the key points. And keep referring to them. Just go through them before going to bed. This will help you a lot.
  • Sticky Notes: This was my savior. You get them in stationery shops. Have these all over your room. This way, you would be able to remember a lot of things.

Mathematics :

1) Practice, practice, practice, is the only key for Mathematics. From wherever you can. The maximum you can.

2) The concepts and the formulae should be at your fingertips. Know every shortcut possible. Know every formula possible. Never make the blunder of deriving formulae in the exam. There’s no better way of falling short of time.

Prepare for JEE with a serious and dedicated study plan by learning from the best faculty and experts in Mystudycart JEE Online Courses.

Related Post : Best Tips to Prepare for JEE Main and Advanced


IIT JEE online coaching


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How to Prepare Seriously for the IIT JEE Exam? was last modified: December 5th, 2020 by Deepthi Nagoorkar

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Category: JEE Main + Advanced + BITSAT

About Deepthi Nagoorkar

Deepthi Nagoorkar is a student, presently pursuing Mechanical Engineering in Osmania University, Hyderabad. She had been an IIT aspirant in the past. She believes that the two years of preparing for competitive tests is a learning experience. It teaches you organizational skills, discipline, time management, and a lot of skills necessary to face the outer world. She aspires to pursue masters in the coming future.