How to Remain Calm During NEET Preparation?

By | Last updated on September 2nd, 2022

Remain calm in NEET preparation.

Question asked – “As a NEET aspirant, how should I remain calm throughout my preparation?”

In this post, Riya Kumari (an MBBS student) will give you some tips to stay calm and cool without taking any stress during NEET preparation.

How to Remain Calm During NEET Preparation?

Tips to remain calm during NEET preparation :

  1. Take care of your health, both physical and mental. Add fruits and nutrient foods to your diet.
  2. Meditate daily at least for 10 minutes any time. You can meditate in between your studies. It will help you most in remaining calm not only in these remaining months but also on the day of your exam.
  3. Talk to your parents daily. They will support you always. You should also talk to your mentor whenever you feel what to do now. Don’t talk to your relatives who demotivate you or waste your time.
  4. Never miss the tests of your coaching. If you haven’t joined coaching, you must join a NEET test series from a good coaching now. Just studying will not help you much but tests will improve your time management and help in reducing negative marks. If you can’t join any test series then you can arrange test papers of coaching and solve them in a disciplined way.
  5. Check what silly mistakes you have done after solving a test. Solve the questions you couldn’t do in the test. Ask from your teacher or your friend if you couldn’t find the answer but never leave any question of your test undone. This will reduce your negative marks. Reducing the negative marks will boost your self confidence and you will remain calm.
  6. Study from NCERT books and NEET coaching modules properly.
  7. Solve the previous year questions of NEET and you will know the pattern of the exam. You will find that it isn’t that tough if you have studied regularly from NCERT and have given tests.
  8. Stay away from people/ your friends/ hostel-mate who keeps demotivating you or say that he/ she has read everything. Maybe they just wants to demotivate you.
  9. Deactivate your social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram.
  10. Never ever believe in the ranks you get in tests. Any miracle can happen on the day of the exam. So just think about improving yourself and never making the same mistakes in the next tests. Also never compare your marks with others. Just give your best so that you don’t have to regret later.
  11. Make short notes for all subjects. It will help you in quick revision in the last days of exam and you will not lose your calm by thinking about how will you revise the entire syllabus in one or two days.
  12. Write formulas of Physics, short tricks, reactions of Organic Chemistry, examples of Biology, important dates and years of ecology, etc. so that you can revise them in a short time in an organised way.
  13. Revise, revise and revise.
  14. Write your silly mistakes in a diary and revise it before your exam.
  15. Never think negatively. It is just an exam, not a do or die situation. You can do it and if for some reason you couldn’t then you have more chances. Your parents will love you always whether you clear NEET or not. So if you are feeling negative, never take wrong decisions and always talk to your parents about your problems.

And at last, believe in yourself.

Riya Kumari
MBBS from Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences

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How to Remain Calm During NEET Preparation? was last modified: September 2nd, 2022 by Riya Kumari

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