Is Joining Dummy School a Good Option for JEE/ NEET?

By | Last updated on October 15th, 2020

Is dummy school good?

Question asked by a student : “I am not a dummy school student and I feel that there are others who have studied more. How do I remain calm before my entrance test?”

Is Joining Dummy School a Good Option for JEE/ NEET?

Dummy schools are one of the worst things I’ve witnessed in our education system. The last two years of your school life, 11th and 12th standard are undoubtedly the most important years of your life, the last few of the teen years, they shape your personality, they help you decide what kind of a person you would be in future, they help in guiding your career, and most importantly they give you an outlook of what lies ahead.

And sitting at home and immersing yourself in books isn’t the best way to spend them. Be happy that you spent these years in school, because things ahead would get worse, and these would be one of the fondest memories you’d have.

I’m sure you don’t want an admission in a dummy college, you’d have to learn to balance your studies and classes and so many other things. And I’m absolutely sure you don’t want a dummy job either, you’d obviously eventually have to balance your family and work.

Disadvantages of Dummy School for JEE/ NEET

Apart from the few extra hours that one gets to study (which, trust me, aren’t even important), dummy schools don’t help you in any way possible for JEE/ NEET. I personally hate the concept of dummy schools and find it completely insignificant. I’m sure you’re not convinced, so let me break it down for you.

Benefits of Regular School Over Dummy School

  • Overtime decreases productivity: It’s a well known fact that working/ studying for long hours is only going to decrease your productivity. The amount of hours left after regular school are enough for you to crack JEE/ NEET exams. No doubt you’d have a tight schedule, but it is doable.
  • Your brain needs rejuvenation to function well; and going to school and interacting with people does exactly that. You’re much more likely to spend the remaining hours efficiently, and much less likely to while away time.
  • Also you’re much more likely to remember the topics that have been discussed in school by your teachers or with your friends.

    Chances of remembering: Reading < reading + listening < reading + listening + analysing and discussing

  • Hardly any of the students who get top ranks are from dummy schools. They are mostly from good schools which require a full fledged attendance.
  • And lastly, this time would not come back. The friends you make, the experiences you share, the memories you take forward, they are more important in life than a few extra hours of studies (which again students think are important).

I really hope there are more stringent rules against such dummy schools.

About me: I graduated school in 2007, had more than 80% attendance in school, attended most of the classes, bunked a few. I had PCB-M, and I took regular coaching in 11th and 12th for PCB, which used to take half of my time. So I used to finish practical files and some school assignments sitting on the back bench in a few classes, which was fun! I secured good ranks in all the exams I appeared in (AIPMT: 33, DPMT: 15, AIIMS: 150, cleared AFMC, BHU and DCE: 216).

So do not worry, you made the right choice by not joining a dummy school.

And about remaining calm: Take a walk everyday, discuss important or difficult topics with your friends, try meditating and keep revising. Anxiety before such a huge exam is completely normal, but remember that at the end of the day it is just an exam.

Good luck!

Related Post : How to Remain Calm in NEET Preparation


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Is Joining Dummy School a Good Option for JEE/ NEET? was last modified: October 15th, 2020 by Ritika Mukhija

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