Have I Taken a Wrong Stream in Grade 11? A Student’s Dilemma

By | Last updated on September 8th, 2020

choosing a stream student confusion

Did you ever feel that you took the wrong stream in 11th grade?

Have I taken the wrong stream in grade 11? I could have done better in another stream.

Is changing stream in class 12 the right way to go?

This post is for those students who are doubting their choice of stream in school.

Assume you are a good student till 10th and you choose science as it felt like the most obvious option. Now, you are doubting your decision. You are thinking maybe you could have done better in another field.

May I ask why you are thinking this?

See , you can’t really comment about other streams unless you have spent appreciable time in that field. What if you have taken that subject and regret not taking the current branch (that you have actually taken).

Do I actually belong here?  It’s the question that often confuses the people.

See, you are not alone who is going through this phase. There are very few people who truly discover their area of interest before choosing the stream in school. I am a student at IIT and what I observed here is that even after reaching here, very few people actually attain the satisfaction when it comes to the departments or branches they have opted for during admission.

Trust me, even if you do well in your field still there will be times when you will think, Do I actually belong here?

Only people who are passionate about their field and uphold their magnitude of enthusiasm throughout their career span don’t go through this doubt.

It’s a risk to go for a stream change. If you are doing Ok in your field even with this doubt-mentality then I think you can do much better than this.

See, I never loved science but I liked it. And I tell you, that was really enough. I would suggest you to be more practical ; It would always help , you will never regret it!

Always try to enjoy what you are doing. Think about the bright future aspects of your field. You should realize that you have chosen a wonderful stream. You should go for it.

I wish you success 🙂

Akshay Mehta
IIT Kanpur


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Have I Taken a Wrong Stream in Grade 11? A Student’s Dilemma was last modified: September 8th, 2020 by Akshay Mehta

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