What Should One Do After Clearing Doubts in IIT JEE preparation?

By | Last updated on October 16th, 2020

After clearing doubts in IIT JEE.

Question asked by a student : What should one do after doubt gets cleared for any question particularly for IIT JEE?

I’d be more than glad to answer it to the best I can because this was a mistake I made in my JEE preparation and have seen many others doing the same.

What generally happens: We get homework. We solve it. There are some doubts we have while solving. Next day during the discussion we asked that question. Teachers give us the correct solutions. We copy it down. Over. Next day the cycle repeats.

There are two places in the above scenario where we go wrong.

  1. Too shy to ask our doubt. (But the aspirant asking this has overcome this hurdle so won’t talk about this.)
  2. Not being able to get after asking a doubt.

Here, what ideally should be done is that you carefully hear the solution and explanation provided by the teacher in the class and note it down. But make sure you don’t copy down the end calculation as well. Leave the space in the end for yourself.

Later, open that question and try to do it again from scratch without looking at the solution (this tests your concentration with which you heard the teacher’s explanation). If you are able to recall the concept, good. Do the calculation in the space you left earlier. If not, read the solution again.

Ask why you couldn’t solve it even when your teacher had explained it to you just a few hours ago, learn from it. Write the solution to it with your own hand and do the calculation in the space left. Then repeat this for all questions.

Vipul Vaibhav
Qualified JEE Advanced 2017

Related Post : How to Clear JEE Doubts Online?


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What Should One Do After Clearing Doubts in IIT JEE preparation? was last modified: October 16th, 2020 by Vipul Vaibhav

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