10 Ways to Overcome IIT JEE/ NEET Exam Day Anxiety

By | Last updated on September 11th, 2020

Overcoming exam anxiety JEE NEET.

Most JEE/ NEET aspirants experience some level of anxiety during the exam. While exam anxiety is common, some students find it exhausting. Racing thoughts, inability to concentrate, feelings of not doing well, all these are signs of panic and anxiety. Exam anxiety has the power to derail months and years of hard work. When anxiety affects exam performance it becomes a problem.

10 Ways to Overcome IIT JEE/ NEET Exam Day Anxiety

  1. Don’t think about the result.
  2. Sleep well at night before the exam.
  3. Stay energized on the exam day.
  4. Reach exam centre early.
  5. Have a positive attitude.
  6. Read the question carefully.
  7. Keep an eye on time.
  8. Start with easy questions first.
  9. Don’t overthink.
  10. Follow an exam strategy.

1. Don’t think about the result

It’s you who knows best how prepared you are for the exam. If you have prepared well, you’ll be confident. If not, there will be nervousness. Whatever your preparation level is, give your best effort without thinking about the result.

2. Sleep well at night before the exam

A good relaxing sleep before the exam is an absolute must. You don’t want to feel sleepy in the exam. Right? Then don’t cram a night before the exam. In-fact, don’t do anything related to studies a night before the exam.

3. Stay energized on the exam day

Eat a healthy breakfast. You can carry energy drinks with you in-case you feel any weakness while going to the exam centre or during the exam.

4. Reach exam centre early

Getting late to the exam centre adds to the anxiety. So always reach an hour or two before the entry time. Get your bag ready (pack everything that you need for the exam) a day before the exam. Check out the exam centre in advance.

5. Have a positive attitude

Believe that you did your best preparation and you can clear the exam. You need to remain calm in tough situations like when you are not remembering properly in the exam.

6. Read the question carefully

Don’t start solving the question before fully reading the question. Yes, speed matters in the exam but you don’t want to miss important points or figures which can lead you to the wrong track. Accuracy is equally important in JEE and NEET exams.

7. Keep an eye on time

If you don’t manage time properly, this situation can come – “more questions left and less time remaining”. It results in anxiety and pressure. You should allocate how much time you’ll spend on each section. You can practice this by solving mock tests during the last few days before the exam.

8. Start with easy questions first

Whichever section you attempt first (Biology is preferred mostly for NEET), always solve easier questions first. It will give you confidence to solve difficult questions later. If you go blank while seeing the question, skip the question and continue the paper.

9. Don’t overthink

Don’t get unnecessary thoughts in your mind before the exam. Try to meditate (slow, deep breaths) if you feel distracted by anything.

10. Follow an exam strategy

Prepare an exam strategy and practice it during mock tests. Make adjustments depending on the performance in tests, and be ready with a final strategy that you are going to adopt in the exam.

“Exam hall carries a different air. Things may not go as planned but do not panic. Maintain your calm. Your result is determined by the efforts put in by you during preparation and by stressing out you would only lessen your score drastically.” – Vishwa-Jinwala.


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10 Ways to Overcome IIT JEE/ NEET Exam Day Anxiety was last modified: September 11th, 2020 by Rajesh Saharan

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