How to Manage Stress in JEE Preparation? Tips from an IITian

By | Posted on October 23rd, 2023

Manage stress JEE

Are you getting burnt out while studying for JEE? Do you feel the stress and tension in JEE preparation? How to cope with all the pressure of JEE? In this post, Nithish Ravikkumar (IIT Roorkee) will help you out with some tips and advice to manage stress in JEE preparation.

JEE preparation was one hell of a nightmare. My test scores throughout 11th were pretty bad, even when I put in all my effort. This led to constant feelings of self-doubt, and thoughts of abandoning my JEE preparation. I often felt that I wasn’t smart enough to crack JEE.

If you are in the same situation, fear not, it’s a common stage for all JEE aspirants. It’s called the passage of enlightenment.

JEE preparation stages

You have successfully reached the trough of disillusionment, and can’t fall any further. In a way, this is the actual start of your JEE preparation journey.

Now, the question is,

How to cope up with the stress in JEE preparation?

One way is to harden your mind. Follow the 21 days rule, forcing your brain to forget all the failures, and move forward steadfastly. However, if you were that capable, this question wouldn’t exist in the first place.

Let’s move to a practical solution. For me, it was to find a way to release that pent-up pressure. I read manga (Japanese comics) during most of my JEE preparation. It was so effective that I don’t think I ever felt depressed again. However, I do not recommend this method, as it is extremely addictive, and costs me a huge amount of time.

By the time I realised my mistake, it was too late, and I never reached my potential rank, despite studying 15 hours a day for 4 months. (ref- Nishant Jindal)

So what to do? Find a productive hobby. Like exercising, or cycling, or chess. These are generally non-addictive and will give you great returns in exchange for the time invested. Intermittent relaxation after a couple of hours of study will help to avoid stress in JEE preparation.

Your family’s support is crucial when you are in a pothole. Talk to them about your problems, and they will definitely help you out. Their solutions might not be perfect, but the intent is true, and you find peace in that.

So, don’t lose hope, keep grinding till you reach the top.

All the very best!

Nithish Ravikkumar
AIR 3282 in JEE Advanced 2023

Related Post : Tips to Stay Motivated for JEE

How to Manage Stress in JEE Preparation? Tips from an IITian was last modified: October 23rd, 2023 by Nithish Ravikkumar

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