How to Become a Topper in Class 10 and 12 Board Exams? Strategy From CBSE Topper

By | Last updated on May 12th, 2023

Strategy to become a topper in class 10 and 12.

Want to become a topper in board exams? In this post, Utkarsh Gupta (Among top 1% students in CBSE 12th Boards) will share the tips and strategy to become a topper in class 10 and 12 board exams.

How to Become a Topper in Class 10 and 12 Board Exams?

Before telling the strategy to become a topper, I would like you to believe in yourself as the first and the most important step towards success is the feeling that we can succeed. Life will always be what you make of it.

Tips and strategy to become a topper in class 10 and 12 : 

  1. Collect all your syllabus then count your days. Now you have to divide the syllabus as per the days, like 4 topics a day and you should complete them on a daily basis. It’s important as it makes you confident and gives a feeling that you completed the day’s target that will lead to your goal.
  2. Focus on classes at school, coaching, wherever you are being taught, with full concentration.
  3. Solve questions after studying a topic and if you’re unable to solve then go back to the topic instead of understanding from the solution page.
  4. Start from the basic questions and then reach to the top and whenever you find something hard, go back to topic basics rather than trying questions more than 5 times.
  5. After studying for a particular chapter, close all the books and stuff and try to remember only the name of the topics you’ve read under the chapter (by just remembering the topic your mind will catch the whole gist of that). You should also do this before going to sleep for your whole day’s study.
  6. After learning you can watch videos of the topic to make it understood on a deeper level.
  7. Keep it simple (It’s always the simple that produces the marvelous).
  8. Complete your daily targets and before you know you’ll be a topper.

Some tips on how to write answers in Board exams :

  • Be to the point.
  • Always create a flow in your answers that leads to a particular direction or point.
  • You can write chapter name & writer’s name on top for literature questions in English.
  • Underline the sentence which gives the best gist of your answer.

Number of Study Hours Required to Become A Topper in Board Exams

I’m not going to tell you how many hours you should study to become a topper. Do whenever you want, but it should be pure study, no multitasking, let only smartphones do it.

Lastly and most importantly I would say, study to gain knowledge rather than to become a topper because there is always something to learn and there will always be someone who’s better than you, your knowledge stays with you and helps when the time grows. 

Anybody who gives the full at a time to a particular thing is a topper in that.

Everybody is a topper and everything we want in our life is an inch outside our comfort zone and an inch inside our effort zone. We just have to make a move.

Utkarsh Gupta (Among top 1% students in CBSE 12th Boards)

Related Post : Difference Between Topper and Average Student


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How to Become a Topper in Class 10 and 12 Board Exams? Strategy From CBSE Topper was last modified: May 12th, 2023 by Utkarsh Gupta

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About Utkarsh Gupta

Utkarsh Gupta is a doctor, a poet, dreamer, lifelong student and a tech lover. He cracked AIIMS MBBS 2015 and was in top 1%Students in CBSE 12th Boards.