This post is not related to any exam preparation. It’s not about learning, but teaching, and that too some important life lessons.
Recently, someone asked me a question – “Is being responsible the most important life lesson you can teach a kid?”
I don’t know whether it was a teacher or a parent who asked this, but, No, that is not the only thing you can teach a kid.
10 Important Life Lessons You Can Teach a Kid
- Teach them that Life is not a competition.
- Teach them to Follow their passion.
- Teach them to face their failures.
- Teach them that Hard work can’t be replaced by anything.
- Teach them that Love is better than ego.
- Teach them to be the first one to appreciate someone for their act.
- Teach them not to be hypocrites.
- Teach them to accept what they are.
- Teach them to Respect fellow human beings.
- Teach them to be Ethical in whichever field they are.
Above all, teach them to be a a good human being.
Mind you, these are not that easy to learn, so you can imagine how hard it will be to teach!
Aswathy N Iyer
We’re listening to students.
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