How Do I Get My Passion for IIT JEE Back in Last Few Months?

By | Last updated on September 25th, 2020

Maintain IIT JEE passion.

Question Asked : How do I get my zeal for JEE back? I have been preparing for JEE for about 2 years. I have my Main exam coming up in a few months. I have worked really hard and sacrificed a lot for this exam and I know that I have the knowledge to crack it with a good rank but I don’t know just for some reason I’m feeling like I am out of fuel. Help me.

Oh yes! That’s a very crucial thing at this point of time.

How do you Maintain the Vigour and Passion for JEE till the End?

This journey of two years can be compared well with a long marathon, say 10 kilometres. If you have watched one, the greatest athletes spare their energy for the last lap. And, we see a major turnaround in the final lap always.

The one who conserves his energy and accelerates at the correct time ultimately triumphs. And, as you might have predicted by now, the last lap has started!

First of all, you should know that you aren’t the only one feeling exhausted. It happens with most of the JEE candidates.

An important factor in this last phase is self-confidence. I would say only half of the race is over so far. You need to be confident of yourself instead of getting confused now.

Your aim should be very clear, what all is to be done in these last few months. I would recommend you to revise the basics and the weak links now. Accelerate and boost on your concepts, and take a huge leap towards success!

Hope this helps.

Shreyas Maheshwari
IIT Bombay

Related Post : Tips to Stay Positive and Motivated for JEE


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How Do I Get My Passion for IIT JEE Back in Last Few Months? was last modified: September 25th, 2020 by Shreyas Maheshwari

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