How to Score 350+ Marks in BITSAT? 3 Key Steps, Best Book

By | Last updated on July 9th, 2024

Score 350+ in BITSAT.

Getting a score of 350+ in BITSAT requires managing your time wisely, studying smartly, and staying focused. You need to have excellent speed and accuracy to get 350+ marks in BITSAT. This is possible with consistently practicing mock tests. If you are preparing for JEE also (most of the students do), your JEE preparation must be thorough to score good marks in BITSAT. In this post, I will share some steps to score 350+ in BITSAT.

This is a guest post from Ashesh Pradhan (IIT-Kharagpur).

How to Score 350+ in BITSAT?

Follow the below steps for scoring 350+ marks in BITSAT :

1. Improve your speed for BITSAT

Practice mock tests or join an online test series to improve your speed for BITSAT. Joining a test series definitely improved my speed in the BITSAT exam. It gave the real exam-hall experience at home. The BITSAT test series used to provide me the exact time spent on each question, time spent on questions which I’ve attempted, not attempted and attempted but with wrong answers.

Related Page : BITSAT Online Test Series + Crash Course

2. Know when to attempt the question

I came to know that “half knowledge is dangerous”. Either you should know the solution and get the correct answer or you shouldn’t read the question at all, just blink and pass the question. For example, if you try attempting a question, you spend 20–30 seconds in reading and understanding the question and then attempt it in another 2 mins but finally you did not get any answer or got the wrong answer, then your 2.5 mins go in vain and if the same thing happens in 10 such questions, then you end up wasting 25 mins in the examination hall.

So you should decide whether to attempt the question or not with just a glance at the question. Trust me, if you’ve prepared well and follow this technique, you’ll surely get 350+ in the BITSAT exam.

3. Learn shortcuts after referring solutions

After the tests always refer to solutions. You may find some shortcuts about which you had never thought of. While taking an online test, practice with as minimum rough work as possible. On the day of BITSAT, you’ll be given a scratch pad for rough work with only 8 small pages.

Scoring Good Marks in BITSAT – FAQs

Is scoring in BITSAT easy?

Scoring good marks in BITSAT is not easy, it is only possible if you increase your speed and accuracy, just like JEE Main.

What is a good score in BITSAT?

A score above 300 is considered good for BITSAT. To get a top branch in BITS-Pilani, try to increase your score to 350 in BITSAT. See BITSAT Cutoff

Is 350 a good score in BITSAT?

350 is a great score in BITSAT. It will likely get you a seat in BITS-Pilani. Try to attempt 12 extra questions after completing the 130 questions in order to score 350 in BITSAT.

Do BITSAT questions repeat?

There is a very low probability of questions repeating in BITSAT. Since BITSAT doesn’t release question paper, candidates need to solve BITSAT previous year mock tests to  practice the level of questions asked in the exam.

Best Book to Score 350+ in BITSAT

Arihant’s BITSAT book is considered as one of the best books to score 350+ marks in BITSAT. NCERT textbooks are extremely important to crack BITSAT. Many times they frame questions based directly on the NCERT text. Explore BITSAT preparation books.

Related Post : Best Online Course for BITSAT Preparation

Mystudycart BITSAT Courses


How to Score 350+ Marks in BITSAT? 3 Key Steps, Best Book was last modified: July 9th, 2024 by Ashesh Pradhan

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